Jordan Montgomery is one of 2021’s Top Sleeper Starting Pitchers Corbin Young Dec 18, 2020 0Fantasy Baseball Corbin Young digs into Jordan Montgomery, one of 2021's top starting pitching sleepers. Are we about to see a breakout in the making?
The Breakdown of Ross Stripling and Future Outlook Dave Swan Dec 18, 2020 0Fantasy Baseball Ross Stripling has been a trendy pick for a couple years. Dave Swan looks at what went wrong in 2020 and whether Stripling can bounce back.
Expected Home Runs: 5 Hitters Who Underperformed in 2020 Chris Clegg Dec 17, 2020 0Fantasy Baseball Chris Clegg uses Expected Home Runs to identify 5 hitters who could be due for a power surge in 2021.
MLB Injury Report: AL East Tommy John Rehabs Nic Civale Dec 16, 2020 0Fantasy Baseball In his latest MLB Injury Report, Nic Civale digs deep into the return of two elte level pitchers returning from Tommy John surgery.
Dynasty Fantasy Baseball: Outfielders to Buy-Low Eric Cross Dec 16, 2020 4Dynasty Fantasy Baseball After a shortened and hectic 2020 season, Eric Cross discusses several dynasty buy-low outfielders you should be targeting this offseason.