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Struggling Players Drafted in the Top 50

Every year we encounter the inevitable reshuffling of the top X list in fantasy baseball. Depending on how intricate you want to get, “X” can really range as high or low as you want and you’ll still get a hefty juggling of names. Even if I wanted to talk about the new top 10 players, I could easily do so after just a quarter of the season. It’s volatile, hard to predict, and most importantly fun to look at for crazies like myself. Today I want to look at players who were drafted in the top 50 (per Fantrax ADP, found here)…

Hitting Prospects Who Improved Their Stocks in 2017

Last week we took a look at some young pitchers that took those ever-important steps forward into becoming Major League assets, and this week we are going to look at some hitting prospects that have done the same. On the offensive side, when a prospect takes a step forward, it can be due to any number of reasons. Maybe they finally learned to judge the strike zone and take a walk. Perhaps they gained enough strength and quickness to suddenly be able to handle both the inside fastball and the changeup away at the same time.…